Shake Out Thursday, October 19 at 10:19 is a critical date for earthquake preparedness in British Columbia. It’s the BC ShakeOut Drill, a prime opportunity to practice earthquake safety and learn how to safeguard your family and pets.

In a world filled with uncertainty, natural disasters like earthquakes can strike without warning, leaving those unprepared in a state of vulnerability. Being ready for the unexpected is crucial, and the consequences of not being prepared can be devastating when it comes to earthquakes.

In this blog post, we will explore what happens if you are unprepared for an earthquake and why taking steps to safeguard yourself and your loved ones is paramount.

Physical Injuries:

One of the most immediate and obvious consequences of not being prepared for an earthquake is the risk of physical injuries. Falling objects, collapsing structures, and shattered glass can all lead to severe injuries or even fatalities.

Damaged House from Earthquake

Psychological Trauma:

The emotional aftermath of an earthquake can be just as debilitating as the physical injuries. The shock and trauma experienced by those unprepared for such a traumatic event can have long-lasting effects on mental health.

Disrupted Daily Life:

Disaster Preparedness KitEarthquakes can cause significant damage to infrastructure, leaving communities without power, water, and communication for extended periods. Without proper preparations and supplies, you may struggle to meet basic needs, such as food, water, and shelter for your family and pets. Ensure you have disaster supplies in place to support your family and pets.

Financial Loss:

The cost of repairing or replacing damaged property can be overwhelming, particularly if you don’t have insurance coverage. Being unprepared for an earthquake can lead to substantial financial loss that may take years to recover.

Community Disruption:  

Not being prepared not only affects individuals but also disrupts entire communities. Overburdened emergency services may struggle to respond to the needs of all affected residents, leading to further chaos and suffering.

disaster plan to keep your family safe in a disasterMissed Opportunities for Prevention:

Being prepared for an earthquake means having a plan for evacuation and knowing how to reduce risks in your home. Without these preparations, you may miss opportunities to prevent injuries and damage before an earthquake occurs.


The consequences of not being prepared for an earthquake are significant and can impact every aspect of your life. It’s crucial to take the time to create an earthquake preparedness plan, gather essential supplies, and educate yourself and your family on safety measures.

While we cannot predict when or where an earthquake will strike, we can control how ready we are to face this natural disaster head-on. Being prepared is not just a choice; it’s a responsibility to ourselves, our families and pets, and our communities. Please don’t wait until it’s too late; start your earthquake preparedness journey today. Your safety and well-being depend on it.

To participate in the BC ShakeOut Drill and learn how to prepare for an earthquake, visit to help keep your family and pets safe.

lady surrounded with questionsDisaster Preparedness Workshops 

But earthquake preparedness isn’t just for individuals and families. It’s also crucial for businesses. If you’re looking to have a Disaster Preparedness Workshop for your business, don’t hesitate to reach out to us.

We’d be delighted to set up a workshop to ensure that your organization is well-prepared to handle the challenges that earthquakes and other disasters can present. Together, we can make our communities safer and more resilient in the face of natural disasters,


Meet Jackie Kloosterboer

Jackie KloosterboerJackie Kloosterboer is a renowned Emergency and Disaster Preparedness leader, boasting an impressive 30 years of frontline experience that has allowed her to witness firsthand the life-saving impact of preparedness. Her unwavering commitment is evident through her dedication to presenting Disaster Preparedness Workshops, responding to disasters across BC, supporting evacuees, and skillfully leading Emergency Support Services teams during activations, most notably in her recent role with the City of Vancouver.

As an instructor at the Justice Institute of BC, Jackie travels across Canada, empowering volunteers with essential workshops and training.

Her profound expertise in disaster preparedness has made her a sought-after resource by the media, who frequently seek her insights, underlining the crucial significance of preparedness. Moreover, her book, “My Earthquake Preparedness Guide,” is the quintessential resource, offering practical tips to equip individuals for any disaster. Jackie’s expert advice is the compass pointing toward safety and readiness for those seeking to face whatever challenges come their way.