Consequences of Being Unprepared for an Earthquake

Mom showing her kids what to do in an Earthquake

Thursday, October 19 at 10:19 is a critical date for earthquake preparedness in British Columbia. It’s the BC ShakeOut Drill, a prime opportunity to practice earthquake safety and learn how to safeguard your family and pets. In a world filled with uncertainty, natural disasters like earthquakes can strike without warning, leaving those unprepared in a […]

No Insulin Today Maam!!!

Man trying to buy insulin from a pharmacy that has not received its shipment

No insulin today, Ma’am! I stared back at the pharmacist in utter disbelief.  What do you mean there is no insulin today?   I am a diabetic and need insulin to survive – what do I do? For 50 years, I have purchased my insulin and diabetic supplies from the drugstore – and have never experienced […]